WP Fastest Cache, the Best WordPress Cache Plugin – 10 Reasons You Need to Install it

WP Fastest Cache, the Best WordPress Cache Plugin – 10 Reasons You Need to Install it

What is WP Fastest Cache?

WP Fastest Cache is one of the fastest and the most easiest cache plugin to install on your WordPress website. It helps you speed up your website by creating HTML files of the web pages. It also provides option to minified and combine CSS and JavaScript files and more premium features listed below. WP Fastest Cache is amongst the most reliable available to download with more than 1 million active users and a 4.9 out of 5 stars rating.

How does WP Fastest Cache work?

WP Fastest Cache renders the webpages and generates a HTML version of the same and saves it in the wp-content/cache/ folder. CSS and JS files are also combined and minimised.

When a user visits the webpage, the .htaccess files cross checks the cache folder for a cached HTML file. If there exists one, the user is served with the cached file else the page is processed and served by WordPress. In the meanwhile, WP Fastest Cache, creates a HTML file and saves it for any further requests. In the article below, you’ll find the features WP Fastest Cache provides and how you can benefit your website from them.

Also Read: 11 simple steps to Improve Website Speed

Why Do I Need WP Fastest Cache? What features does WP Fastest Cache provide?

Here are some reasons why you need to install WP Fastest Cache

  1. Make webpages load faster

  2. Reduce CPU load time

  3. Optimise images

  4. Minify and Combine CSS stylesheet and JS scripts

  5. Create Widget Cache

  6. Preload pages

  7. Gzip

  8. Render Blocking JS

  9. Lazy Load

  10. Load Google Fonts Asynchronously

Make webpages load faster

The classic problem with WordPress is the amount of time it takes to load a website. WP Fastest Cache generates HTML files which are then used to display your website. This can make your site much faster for visitors.

Reduce CPU load time

On every vists, the WordPress code that include several underlying functions is executed thus increasing load on your web server CPU. As mentioned above, WP Fastest Cache creates HTML files that are saved on your web server. For every visitor, instead of loading the entire WordPress code, .htaccess file check if there exists a cached HTML version of intended page. If so, the visitor is served with that page. Thus reducing the load on the web server CPU.

Optimise Images

Images are the main reason for a website to load slow. Image files range from a few KBs to generally a few MBs. Heavier the file, the more time it takes to load. WP Fastest Cache optimises the images and serve the webpage with best possible size. This steps improves the website LCP time thus improving the Core Web Vitals score. With the recent Google upgrade, Core Web Vitals are vital in ranking the pages.

This feature of WP Fastest Cache a Premium feature that needs to be purchased.

Minify and Combine CSS stylesheet and JS scripts

This WP Fastest Cache feature minifes and combine all the CSS and JS files on the web page. In the optimised HTML file, instead of referencing individual files, this merged file is included thus reducing the number of requests sent to the web server. In the process of minification, unwanted comments, blank spaces and empty lines are removed. Optimized file is smaller in size means it’s quicker to load.

Create Widget Cache

The Widget Cache feature is available in the premium version and can help you address performance issues that originate from SQL queries.

When “Cache System” is enabled, the page is saved as a static html file, thus PHP and MySQL does not work for the cached page. Every time a cached file is created, the same widget code complies increase the server load time.

This feature creates a cached output of the widget code to reduce the sql queries.

Preload pages

WP Fastest Cache generally creates a cached file when the page is loaded. This causes minor delay, however by the Preload pages feature, these cache files are created automatically in the background. It allows users to select Post, Pages, Categories, Homepage, etc. WP Fastest Cache refreshes the cached HTML periodically with the WP_CRON system.


Gzip Compression features compresses the pages and resources before sending to the visitros so the transfer time is reduced. Reduced page size decrease the page load time a lot.

Render Blocking JS

On testing your website on Google PageSpeed Insights, you might get the Eliminate render-blocking JavaScript warning. Adding attributes like “defer” or “async” or loading js after page load does not fix all the problems. This feature moves all the script tags to the footer.

Lazy Load

Lazy Load implies to loading the media content when the user scrolls down and arrives to the section. Lazy load is not limited to images but can also be used to rendering videos, YouTube and Vimeo iFrames. This features helps in rendering the webpage quickly and loads the media files only when needed thus reducing the bandwidth.

Load Google Fonts Asynchronously

Similar to Eliminate Render Blocking JS, Google Page Speed Insights, may show a Google Fonts warning. With this feature of WP Fastest Cache, google fonts are loaded asynchronously and the warnings are resolved. In addition, loading google fonts asynchronously makes the pages faster.

What are the drawbacks of WP Fastest Cache?

Dispite of providing so many features, WP Fastest Cache lacks in the below fields and can be improved

  1. The plugin is focus on static content and can be a hassle when you are dealing with a section that loads dynamic data every now and then.

  2. When you have a large website, and accidently if you clear the cache, it might take a long time for them to be regenerated. The preload pages feature executes a set number of pages per minute (this can be altered) but causes an increase in CPU utilisation.

  3. Serveral advanced features are Premium. If you are looking for advanced setting then you might consider purchasing the premium plugin from https://www.wpfastestcache.com


WP Fastest Cache is a great and simple cache plugin to configure. I would strongly recommend this for Static website who have their content volatile. It helps improve the pagespeed insights score thus improve the SEO ranking bringing more traffic through Organic channels.

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